A post about Christmas cards in January? Yep! I get a lot of questions about Christmas cards in November and December, right when I am busy MAKING the cards and don’t have time to EXPLAIN them! Hence the Christmas card post in January. Feel free to file this away for 11 months from now. 🙂
The details: Cards come in 3 different sizes: 5×7, 5×5 and 4×5.5 and are available folded, tri-folded or flat. They are sold in packages of 24 and include envelopes. The photos below show in order: the front of the card, the inside (if applicable) and the back. I do use some templates but try to make each card different so I like to get your input for wording, favorite photos, etc. Please feel free to check out my facebook page to view more samples and to see them larger.
First up, the horizontal 5×7 folded card. When closed, this card measures 5×7. The inside spread measures 5×14 which makes for a pretty impressive panoramic photo.

Next is the vertical 5×7 folded card. The dimensions of this one are the same as the horizontal one, it’s just folded differently and again the inside panoramic spread is what really makes this card!

This is also a vertical 5×7 folded card. They included their Christmas letter as an 5×7 flat card insert inside. This was a great way to keep the design consistent throughout the card and the letter.

These next three are 5×7 flat cards. This family chose to do a word collage to summarize the year on the back in lieu of a Christmas letter.

Another flat 5×7 with photos on both the front and back.

And again, another flat 5×7 with photos on both the front and back.

These next four designs are 5×5 tri-fold cards. These are probably my most favorite size because they are so different and impressive. The front is a 5×5 square and when you open it up, there is another 5×5 flap followed by a 5×15 inside spread. This is a great way to use a lot of photos in a collage as well as have one standout photo in the middle. As a side note, all square cards require extra postage. 

And yep! It’s our own card from 2010!

These are horizontal 5×5 folded cards. I love the square size and though it’s not quite as intricate as the 5×5 tri-fold, it’s still a great size. The front is 5×5 and the inside spread is 5×10.

And our card from 2010!

My FAVORITE card of all time. On the front, it says “Our photographer moved to Maine” and on the inside it says “But we hope you have a Merry Christmas anyway” followed up with the crying child on the back. I’ve never been so honored… 🙂

And this is our card from this year!

This is the vertical 5×5 folded card. Again, the dimensions of this one are the same as the horizontal one, it’s just folded differently.

And the 4×5.5 folded card.

And the 4×5.5 flat card.