Hello and welcome! I have recently relocated to Portland, Maine from Rochester, Minnesota and serve the wedding and portrait photography needs of Maine, Minnesota and beyond. This is the place to check out my most recent work and to get a glimpse into my life. Feel free to take a look around, I'd love to connect with you!
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12.18.17 | blog, Uncategorized, weddings
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01.26.14 | my life, my project 52, Uncategorized

I want to remember…how quickly time passes. It’s cliche, but my new year’s resolution last year was to stop saying things, “I can’t believe she’s a year old already!” or “I can’t believe January is almost over!” While all of these things are true, (By the way, HOW IN THE WORLD IS SHE ALMOST ONE!!?? and HOW IN THE WORLD IS JANUARY two thousand fourteen (really?!?! FOURTEEN!?!?) ALMOST OVER!?!?!?) I don’t want to mourn how quickly time passes nor wish it away. I guess the moral of the story is to simply enjoy the present. Awfully cheesy? Yes. But oh so true. And there is no other time that I want to be fully present in my life than now. These two photos remind me how fast time goes and how much can change in just one short year. (35 weeks on 1.31.13 and 10 months old 1.21.14)
p.s. If you want to tear up today, watch this quick video by Boba: You Made Me a Mother
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01.16.14 | published, Uncategorized
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07.09.13 | my life, Uncategorized
Hello blog, it’s been (LONG) awhile! But there is a good reason you have been on the waaaay back burner…Our sweet little Clara June was born on March 6 at 5:22am weighing in at 8lbs. 1 oz and 21 inches long. Needless to say, we are over the moon in love with her and have been soaking up as much time with her as possible. I am just barely coming out of the baby bubble I have been in for over four months…I’m still in shock that we have a DAUGHTER (I was guessing she was a boy) with big blue eyes and lots of dark hair! I have shot one wedding a couple portrait sessions since her birth so I have some new photos to post but in the meantime, let me introduce you to the newest member of our little family:

She doesn’t really look like this anymore since she is four (yes FOUR!) months old already! You’ll be seeing lots more of her I’m sure but like everyone says, the time is going way too fast so I’m ignoring the computer (and dishes and laundry and weeds in the garden and the list goes on….) and soaking up as much time with her as possible. We were so fortunate to have the amazing Becca Wood photograph her birth-to watch the slideshow click here. I’ve debated about whether or not to share her birth story here but honestly, these photos tell the story better than I can and we are forever thankful to Becca for them. Hope you all had a fantastic 4th of July and thanks for sticking with this neglected old blog! 🙂 More to come, I promise!
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