When I say blizzard, I mean blizzard. This was the first one of the year and it was cold, soggy, snowy and windy. The perfect combo for engagement photos.
But I’m not sure anything could dampen Brianne and Aaron’s spirits because they are getting married! In Fargo. In July. No snow. And that is happy! Especially the no snow part.
I’ve decided that perhaps the only thing greater than being happy yourself, is seeing those you love happy. And though I didn’t think it was possible for Brianne to be happier that she was when I was her roommate, indeed Aaron has made her happier than that. And fine, I’ll admit it, he’s a good guy.
A big, huge, congratulations to you! I loved photographing you at this exciting time in your lives. Thanks for braving the winter elements, though I’m not surprised since your initials are BA. 🙂 xoxo.

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