Hello and welcome! I have recently relocated to Portland, Maine from Rochester, Minnesota and serve the wedding and portrait photography needs of Maine, Minnesota and beyond. This is the place to check out my most recent work and to get a glimpse into my life. Feel free to take a look around, I'd love to connect with you!
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06.01.12 | babies & kids, blog
We did a “mommy and me” photo session for Molly and her sweet daughter Evy. Yep, they’re adorable. Happy weekend!

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05.19.12 | babies & kids, blog
Kai, you were born two years ago today! Though it doesn’t seem that long ago, you have changed so much in two short years! Witnessing your birth remains one of the coolest things I’ve ever done in my life. And watching your grow since then has been so fun! (To recap, check out his newborn, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and one year sessions). I always look forward to your visits to see “Emy and Ike” and you always give the best bear hugs! Certainly your third year of life is going to be filled with lots of fun and exciting things including becoming a big brother! Happy 2nd birthday, Kai! xoxoxox.

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04.26.12 | babies & kids, blog, families
It has been an absolute joy to get to know this family over the last couple years. First, Jaxson’s one year session and then Lincoln’s newborn, 3 month, and 6 month sessions. I really have loved it! Lincoln is now 9 months old…next up: one year photos in July!

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01.25.12 | babies & kids, blog, families
Claire is a new big sister to sweet, little Sam so I met up with them to take some photos of the new babe as well as what life looks like now as a family of four! I photographed Claire last year at this time and though it’s a typical thing to say, I’m gonna say it anyway…Kids grow SO fast and life FLIES by. Last year, Claire was a year old, barely walking or talking. This year she is running, talking, jumping, and is a big sister. Years and years from now, I hope these photos bring back vivid memories of this time in your lives. In the meantime, enjoy today for today!

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01.09.12 | babies & kids, blog, families
Most of the time I do my shooting on location…peoples’ homes, favorite parks, gross cool alleys, etc. I am inspired by being in new places and love using the surrounding environment to compliment my subjects. I rarely conceptualize images ahead of time and enjoy tracking down good light. This works well for about 5-6 months of the year. But when it’s -10 degrees with 12 feet of snow with 50 mph wind, (I know, I know…we have been SO spoiled this winter), it’s not very fun. Soooo having a studio space has been really awesome when the weather outside stinks. For Lincoln’s newborn and three month session, we were able to be outside. But for his six month session, we stayed inside and used my studio and it was a fun change of pace! Jaxon and Lincoln’s grandparents were in town so we got them in a few too! I love these first few of two brothers… 

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12.14.11 | babies & kids, blog, dogs
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12.01.11 | babies & kids, blog, families
Mara is 6 months old! Well, she’s a little older now since some*cough*one is a little behind on blogging…
Nonetheless, isn’t she cute?

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11.04.11 | babies & kids, blog, families
You remember the Burgess Family, right? (If not, click here) Well, here they are again! I still can’t get over how fast little ones change. So stinkin’ cute. Happy Friday!

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11.01.11 | babies & kids, blog, families
Kael and Bryan welcomed Beckett Gregory just a little over a month ago and oh my, is he sweet! I feel so fortunate that my camera allows me to be a present during some of life’s most exciting and precious times. Thanks for reminding me yet again why I love doing this. : )

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10.13.11 | babies & kids, families, maternity
Where to begin. Molly is my dear, dear friend dating back to our days at Concordia. I was her RA. We share a love of darkrooms and all things photo. She was the other half of Lemon Lime Studios. We have tons of good memories revolving around photographing weddings. We spent many airplane rides to Jamaica. We were in each other’s weddings. She’s one of those friends that I get teary eyed talking about because I love so much. And now she is a MOM! Much, much, much love to you, Molly and Brandon! We are thrilled about your new family! Here’s a few photos pre-Nora-entrance:

And now, announcing Eleanor Margaret, or Nora! You can see more of Nora and read about her birth story on Molly’s blog.

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