The Candace is back
Hello there, Internets. Emily and her generous heart, have invited me to to take up more bandwidth on her sparkly blog with a second installment of my jibber jabber. Can you believe it?? So, here I am. Dust off your Hazmat suits on and enjoy the ride.
Back, when I first forced our friendship, I confessed to you my current Life Fails. Yes, you know what I mean. Those delicious Christmas cards that are vital to keeping my epic fronting alive. I made you a little promise and even though I am fairly unreliable, I followed through like I never could with my golf swing.
Emily roused us for a chilly, pre-work, morning photo shoot, which was a very fancy detour from my tired and uneventful life. I was concerned briefly that I might not be able to put my friendly face on this early without colossal resistance (and coffee) but Hubs told me I looked hot in my own, runny nose type way, and so that was that. I should let her work do the talking because, in all honesty, I talk too much for my own good anyway.
Aren’t they nice? And I don’t even look like I am tore up from the floor up. Hey, do people even say that anymore?
Anyway, Emily’s going to fashion these pics into something very lovely and I can’t wait to send them off to friends and family. That way, I can keep my wretchedly stuffy and humdrum days a covert operation for one more year. But before I bid you a good one, I’ll leave you with these powerful reminders of my awkwardness. I’m sorry. I hope we can still be friends.
Love and fist pumps,