Old + New
It seems like we were just moving into our new space. Well, that new space just became the old space.
Yup, we’re moving a whole block away! In fact, today is moving day and leave it to me to move on a wet, rainy day. And oh yeah, in the middle of wedding season! And leave it to me to feel super nostalgic and yes, a little sad on a happy and exciting day. Don’t get me wrong, I am SO EXCITED to move into our beautiful new space. It’s on the street level of Broadway with great natural light, hardwood floors and exposed brick. It is beautiful and so is the potential that comes along with it. But I don’t like goodbyes. So I’m certain there will be a tear as we close the door to the old office. Lots of good things happened there.
We’ll be having another open house at the new studio on August 4 but if you’re in the area before then, stop by and say hi! Here’s a little preview of the new digs. Until we get settled, I’ll be working from here. Or at least trying to…